Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Giving by NOT taking advantage of discounts

Now that I am on this journey of recording some of our giving experiences, I seem to be more aware in situations where opportunities to "give" present themselves.

Recently, I was surprised when I sensed the Holy Spirit teaching me a new way to give: by not taking advantage of discounts.

I had pulled over quickly to fill our van up with gas.

The usual routine is not complicated or requiring much thought.... I've probably filled up my car at least 1000 times (literally if you calculate once a week for 20 years... and I've been driving 24 years).

1000 times.

That is like filling up a tank of gas once a day for 2 years and 9 months.

  • Get out of the car.
  • Insert debit card into the pump slot.
  • Press debit.
  • Enter pin number.... look for which button on this pump to push next.
  • No, I don't want a car wash.
  • No, I don't want a receipt (well, Yes... if I'm at a certain gas station that only works if I push Yes).
  • Unhook pump.
  • Oops, I forgot to unscrew the gas tank cap... again.
  • Hold pump in one hand while awkwardly unscrewing the gas cap.
  • Insert pump.
  • Choose Unleaded Regular Fuel after glancing at the price. (It is the lowest price anyway, so I'm just curious.)
  • Playing a mental math game while I try to calculate how much it will cost based on how empty the gas indicator was.
  • Realizing the fumes are strong and remembering the book I read about what that can do to us... so walking around the car to wait or sitting inside the driver's seat while I wait.

  • <Click>
  • The gas tank is full.
  • Unhook and replace pump hose.  Screw back on cap. Drive away.
Giving by Spending More Gas Money at the Pump

Never before had I ever considered what ran through my mind that particular sunny day.

I find it amazing how our circumstances all merge together at moments where if we stay in tune to our thoughts can give us revelations, insights, ideas, and breakthroughs.  

Recently, I became aware of our country's "oil crisis". Gas prices have been low for quite some time, and I had not given it much thought about the bigger picture of this.  I, like I imagine most Americans, enjoyed seeing the prices plunge. This meant more money in my pocket.  It's good for me. No further thought.

Then, a woman I know had asked for prayer for her husband. The oil prices had dropped so low that many people in that industry were losing their jobs; he could be next. She explained how their stock had dropped hundreds of thousands of dollars already (their life savings) and they were concerned he could lose his job as well.  They are in their fifties, so I understood somewhat that this could feel extremely vulnerable in their life season.  

I also started to hear reports, from other media and sources, of job loss consequences due to the oil prices being so low.

So, on that day when I had just stopped to fill up the tank, as I had done plenty of times before, my spirit was already primed with knowledge of the oil crisis and knowledge of our mission to give as we have opportunity and are able.

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, 
especially to those who are of the household of faith." 
Galatians 6:10 NKJV

As I went to choose the Unleaded Regular Gasoline, I saw the price around $1.40/gallon (it may have been as high as $1.60). Then I saw the Premium Gasoline price around $1.85 ish (definitely below $2.00/gallon).  It was in that moment that I receive instantaneous perspective of how selfish I was being to continue to purchase the lowest gasoline just because I could.  I recalled that it had not been too long ago that we were consistently buying gas for anywhere between $3.00-$4.00/gallon (for years).  We had agreed to that then, so why would I be upset over paying less than $2.00/gallon for the Premium gasoline.

It only took a few seconds, at most, to have this understanding and only a moment to make a choice.  That's where I believe exponential things can happen (us making our ripple effects on the world - including our own lives); when we have the knowledge and we make a choice.

I proudly pushed the PREMIUM button and filled up the tank with the best gas.  

I did it to honor the men and women who are working in the oil industry so that I can go to and fro in my car without a hitch. 

I did it to prove to my flesh that I wasn't scared to spend a few extra dollars that day....God is my Source of supply, it's His money, and He will provide more as needed.  

I did it to teach myself that sometimes giving doesn't have to be in mass amounts of money... it can be small sacrifices with large hearts and intentions towards someone else's success over my own.  I think I spent less than an extra $7.00 total.

Then, after it was all done, I realized that even though I thought I was the one making a small sacrifice, I had received a blessing in return.  My van was given the best gasoline... which from what little I know about automobiles, helps the parts work better!  So, I could also consider it a small auto service expense to give my van a little bit better fuel... like a healthy smoothie in the midst of all our fast food meals. :) It is all perspective.

As I drove away, it's hard to describe the joy I had on the inside. The kind of joy where you know your life matters and makes a difference... no matter how small the impact may seem. 

I started envisioning starting a campaign on Facebook to encourage everyone to just buy the higher priced gasoline for a few weeks in effort to help buffer some of these devastating losses people are going through.  I did not do that... another of many ideas that gets dreamed up but not executed.  It's taken me weeks to simply sit down to share this story with you.  

However, to get excited about the potential of how our actions can make powerful differences, look at this example.

If 3 million people (only 1% of Americans) paid an extra $5.00 per tank of gas (only about 30 cents extra per gallon), that would be $15,000,000 per week in revenue!  I have no idea how that would trickle down to the employees, but assuming the companies are honest and fair, and assuming each employee being let go earns approximately $50,000/year (pulling that number out of thin air), that's like us collectively saving 300 jobs!  That is only in 1 week! 

That's 300 families who most likely are not prepared for sudden job losses considering reports continue to tell us most Americans are in debt and not saving significant emergency funds.

That's 3 million people doing something super quick and small that could save 300 families from a huge and long term crisis.

And, that's 3 million cars that just might give a little bit extra service back to those generous and thoughtful people.

With the power in numbers, it is amazing what can be accomplished.

So, the next time you are offered a discount, I encourage you to be aware that you don't have to accept it. Or at least be aware of how your accepting it impacts the greater industry.

The amazing thing I have learned, over the last few years as I have been renewing my mind (and actions) from a poverty and lack mentality to a child of a King mentality, is that whenever I give up something (stuff or money) for the sake of the Kingdom, my faith in God as my Father who provides gets stronger.  However, while I am debating about whether or not to give the "thing" away, I feel I am not as confident. But, once it's done, it's amazing the victory, joy, and inner peace and confidence that comes as a result.... and yes, He always repays me for my kindness on behalf of Him and His name (and I mean in the physical sense as well as spiritual).  We don't lack any good thing.

"...those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing."
Psalm 34:10 NKJV

When I cut my coupons, am I being a good steward of my money?


When I choose not to use the coupons, am I being a good steward of my money?

I submit that the answer can be "Yes" to both. What's in your heart? Where is your intention, faith, and trust as you spend "your" money?

"The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;"
Psalm 24:1 NIV

Ever since that day, I have continued to buy the Premium Gasoline, and I plan to continue to do so unless and until the Lord gives me peace to do otherwise. 

I hope you are inspired to do the same.

"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; 
all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. 
Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being." 
1 Corinthians 10:23-24 NKJV

Blessed to be a blessing,

R :)

Screenshot Taken From News Website 2016

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Disclaimer: the extra gasoline expense is coming out of our personal budget; not our SOCKS Ministry budget (for those who may have wondered or who took the time to read this fine print).